Keith Passant
Wiltshire - UK
Keith has been fishing for 50 years and fly-fishing for 30. He started, as many of us, with a jam jar and net chasing minnows and sticklebacks. He then moved on to warm-water fish (in the UK called coarse fish). The fly-fishing bug hit hard in the early 80’s, followed closely by attempts at tying flies on a vice made from an old lawn mower part. That is when Keith decided he needed help! After a search of fly-fishing magazines, he joined a local branch of the Fly Dressers Guild. Keith still ties regularly with some of that group’s original members, one of whom taught Keith’s first class. Now Keith is the fishing specialist for The Orvis Store in Burford in the Cotswolds. He has built the shop’s tying material inventory and enjoys introducing people to the art or craft (you choose) of tying charity Casting for Recovery and has tied 24 hours non-stop on three occasions (twice at The British Fly Fair International) to raise funds for the cause. He enjoys tying just about any kind of fly for fish from salmon to trout, grayling, saltwater and coarse fish. Keith’s fishing these days is still varied, and his idea is that if it has fins then maybe they will take a fly and he is willing to give them the opportunity. Just as he is willing to share the opportunity to see a demonstration or take a class. Contact him and ask for details here.