Mike Legge
Newfoundland - Canada
Mike is from the East Coast of Newfoundland, Canada. After a childhood spent fishing for rod. Since that time fishing for Atlantic Salmon on many of the Provinces renowned rivers has been Mike’s passion. He has been tying flies since 2008, his favorite patterns being Mike is from the East Coast of Newfoundland, Canada. After a childhood spent fishing for hair-wing Atlantic salmon flies and spun-body deer hair dry flies for atlantics. He also ties nymph and caddis patterns for early spring sea-run brown trout. Mike is a certified casting instructor through the Federation of Fly Fishers, a member of the Simms Guide Ambassador Program, and a guide in the Provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador. He is a volunteer with Project Healing Waters, and a board member of the Salmonid Association of Eastern Newfoundland. If you are interested in Atlantic Salmon Fishing in Newfoundland or Atlantic Salmon Flies, Mike can be reached at reelflycasting@gmail.com.