Pat Cohen
New York - USA
My name is Pat Cohen. I live in upstate New York where there is an abundance of warm water streams, lakes, and farm ponds to fish; although most anything with gills is fair game. I was always a terrible fisherman with spin and casting gear, but I began fly fishing in 2008 and since then I have caught more fish than I can count. I have been tying flies since January of 2009. Fly fishing and tying have become an essential part of my life. Since 2012 I have been a full time commercial fly tyer and designer. I have created materials, dubbing and tools for fly tyers. One of the most well-known being the Fugly Packer, which is a packing tool for the making of bass bugs.
I specialize in warm water predatory flies, although I am best known for my deer hair bass bugs. The artistic freedom that fly-tying offers is what drew me to it. All of my flies are meant to be fished with the exception of the display offerings. I enjoy the blending of natural with synthetic materials to create flies that maximize the triggers that make predators eat. I have blended my knowledge and passion for art with my knowledge and passion for fly tying to create a very unique approach to fly making. I have been accused of being a lure maker from time to time…but honestly I find no offense in that at all, as all flies are lures.
My passion for all things fly began with both Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass. I am to this day still passionate about these wonderful fish. I have designed numerous flies around the pursuit of them. I have an obsession with the custom tackle industry and figuring out ways to bring that technology into bass flies. One of my latest creations for doing just that is the Cohen’s Creature Ultra Suede series. It was a perfect way for me to bring the movement and success of soft plastics into fly tying.
I have a deeply ingrained passion for chasing golden bones; carp on the fly is a challenge that more and more fly anglers are only beginning to appreciate. Carp are by far one of the most difficult fresh water species to hook with a fly, and I’ve created a wide variety of nymph patterns to target these misunderstood and often maligned game fish. I created a very unique dubbing called Cohen’s Carp Dub to help create more convincing carp flies.
I have an obsession with Pike on the fly as well. I have designed a selection of streamers and materials to aid in the pursuit of the water wolf. The power and explosion of these incredible game fish is second to none. There is nothing in the world like hooking a big pike on a glass rod in small stream hand to hand combat style.
I have three instructional DVDs on the market teaching my deer hair techniques. I also have a youtube channel offering free videos. My flies have been featured in multiple magazines and books over the past several years. You can follow me on Instagram… @rusuperfly or facebook… www.facebook.com/theinkedfisherman or check my website, www.rusuperfly.com for my products.
I am a member of the pro team for Predator Fly Gear, Epic Fly Rods, 3Tand Reels, Peak Vises, Cortland Fly Lines, Loon Outdoors, Jackson Kayak, Werner Paddles and Custom Gheenoe Boats. Hareline Dubbin distributes some of the products that I have created. I regularly demonstrate and teach fly tying. I also do presentations on these great warm water species at various events and fly shops all over the USA.