Vince Wilcox
New York - USA
Vince is a contributing author and photographer to a variety of angling publications, including Fly Tyer, Fly Fisherman and American Angler. Vince is a featured tier in Colorado Trout Flies by Todd Hosman (Streamside Press). He owns and operates Wiley’s Flies in Rainbow Lake, New York, in the famed Adirondack region. Vince has also lived and fished much of the Rocky Mountains from New Mexico to the Yukon. Vince is a very successful, creative, and imaginative fly designer and his patterns are available through Umpqua Feather Merchants. He is very popular at his tying demos and has made appearances at many national and international shows from the east coast to Colorado. He also makes appearances at local shops and events. A knowledgeable fisherman, tier, guide, and instructor, Vince’s classes and guide services are currently available through his shop, Wiley’s Flies, in Rainbow Lake, New York.