Chris Adams
Chris Adams is an Australian who started fly fishing back in the late 90’s. Living in a tropical part of Australia, Chris started flyfishing in the salt, casting flies at pelagics or cruising the flats for tailing fish both close to home and in some very remote parts of Australia. Chris is equally at home hunting Australian Freshwater natives such as Australian Bass, Barramundi, Saratoga and Murray Cod. An active member of the Flyfishing community, as a IFFF Certified casting Instructor since 2007, and host of the international Flyfishing podcast called the “Intermediate Line”, Chris also hosts regular fly tying demo’s in clubs and more recently interactive Zoom classes. Chris is the director of Beast Brushes and is the a former full time commercial tyer known as Ammo Flies where he developed of many pier reviewed original flies such as the Slow Water Game Changer, the Swinging Phib, a Deerhair Cicada, the Yeesus Leech, the Shrimp Beast and the Face Hugger shrimp to name a few. Chris is a part of the Peak Fishing pro team in addition to the Ahrex Hooks and the Raidzap UV resin international pro teams. Chris can be contacted about anything Peak Fishing in Australia via Beastbrushes@gmail.com